Up one levelThis folder contains papers produced by the project.
Public Health Applications in Remote Sensing
- Paper by William Sprigg, Published in SPIE Newsroom. DOI 10.1117/2.1200902.1488. February 2009.
Improving Public Health Services Through Space Technology and Spatial Information Systems
- Paper by Stan Morain. In: Proceedings of Erice International Seminars on Planetary Emergencies, 40th Session. Erice, Sicily, Italy. August 2008.
Verification and Validation of Desert Dust Forecasts and Their Impact on Respiratory Health Applications in the Southwestern United States
- Paper by Stan Morain and Amy Budge. In Proceedings: International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Beijing, China. July 2008.
Extending Environmental Surveillance to Useful Public Health Information
- Paper by Stan Morain and Amy Budge. In: Proceedings of ASPRS 2008 Annual Conference - Bridging the Horizons: New Frontiers in Geospatial Collaboration. Portland, OR. April 2008.
Architecture and Functionality of the PHAiRS Web Services
- Paper by Bill Hudspeth, Karl Benedict, and Amy Budge. In: Proceedings 32nd International Symposium of Remote Sensing of Environment: Sustainable Development Through Global Earth Observations. San Jose, Costa Rica. June 2007.
Developing Web-based Mapping Services for Public Health Applications
- Paper by Amy Budge, Karl Benedict, and Bill Hudspeth. In: Proceedings, ISPRS Commission IV Symposium. Goa, India. September 2006.
Integrating Earth Observation Data into Geospatial Databases that Support Public Health Decisions
- Paper by Stan Morain and Amy Budge. In: Proceedings, ISPRS Commission IV Symposium. Goa, India. September 2006.
Replacing Model Parameters with Earth Observation Data to Improve Atmospheric Dust Forecasts and Public Health Responses
- Paper by Stan Morain. Prepared for ISPRS Archives Vol. XXXVI, Part 8, "Remote Sensing Applications for a Sustainable Future", Haifa, Israel. September 2006. Paper was not given and proceedings were not published due to the Lebanon-Israel conflict at that time.
Engineering Earth Observing Data for Use in a Public Health Surveillance System
- Paper by Amy Budge. Prepared for ISPRS Archives Vol. XXXVI, Part 8, "Remote Sensing Applications for a Sustainable Future", Haifa, Israel. September 2006. Paper was not given and proceedings were not published due to the Lebanon-Israel conflict at that time.
Science Data Products for Public Health Decision Support
- Paper by Stan Morain and Amy Budge. In: Proceedings of Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE International Conference. Denver, CO. July 2006.
Technology Products of the PHAiRS REASoN Project - Year 2 Web Services and Demonstration Interfaces Development
- Paper by Karl Benedict and Bill Hudspeth. In: Proceedings of ESTC 2006 Conference. College Park, MD. June 2006.
Dust Transport Model Validation Using Satellite and Ground-based Methods in the Southwestern United States
- Paper by Anna-Britt Mahler, Kurt Thome, Dazhong Yin, and Bill Sprigg. In SPIE Proceedings - Remote Sensing of Aerosol and Chemical Gases, Model Simulation/Assimilation, and Applications to Air Quality. 2006.
PHAiRS Fact Sheet
- Two-page brief describing the PHAiRS project. Produced in September 2005.
Technology Products of the PHAiRS REASoN Project - Year 1
- Paper by Karl Benedict. In: Proceedings of the 2005 Sun-Earth System Technology Conference. College Park, MD. June 2005.
PHAiRS - A Public Health Decision Support System: Initial Results
- Paper by Bill Hudspeth, et al. In: Proceedings 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment: Global Monitoring for Sustainability and Security. St. Petersburg, Russia. June 2005.
Modeling Atmospheric Dust for a Public Health Decision Support System.
- Paper by Stan Morain, et al. In: Proceedings 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment: Global Monitoring for Sustainability and Security. St. Petersburg, Russia. June 2005.
Engineering Satellite Data for Environmental Health Issues
- Paper by Stan Morain and Amy Budge. In: Proceedings of ISPRS WGI/4 International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing for Earth Observation: Systems, Techniques, and Applications. Riyadh, Saudia Arabia. May 2005.
Remote Surveillance Technologies for Assessing Biological Threats
- Paper by Stan Morain and Amy Budge. In: BTR 2004 - Unified Science and Technology for Reducing Biological Threats and Countering Terrorism - Proceedings. March 2004.