Project Year 3 (Apr 2006-Mar 2007)
Up one levelThis folder contains presenations and posters given by project team members during the third project year (Apr 2006 - Mar 2007).
Public Health Applications in Remote Sensing (PHAiRS)
- Presentation by Stan Morain given at the Spring Meeting of the New Mexico Geographic Information Council. Albuquerque, NM. April 28, 2006.
Technology Products of the PHAiRS REASoN Project - Year 2 Web Services and Demonstration Interfaces Development
- Presentation given by Karl Benedict and Bill Hudspeth at the ESTC 2006 Meeting. College Park, MD.
Science Data Products for Public Health Decision Support
- Presentation given by Stan Morain and Amy Budge at the IGARSS Meeting. Denver, CO. August 1, 2006.
Public Health Applications for Remote Sensing and Atmospheric Modeling
- Presentation given by Bill Sprigg to the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing, China. September 2006.
Public Health Applications in Remote Sensing and Atmospheric Modeling
- Presentation given by Bill Sprigg to the Beijing Normal University, Tsinghua University, CAS Institute of Hydrology & Water Resources, and the CAS Institute of Geographic Sciences & Natural Resources. Beijing, China. September 27, 2006.
Integrating Earth Observations Data into Geospatial Databases that Support Public Health Decisions
- Presentation given by Stan Morain and Amy Budge at the ISPRS Commission IV Mid-Term Symposium. Goa, India. September 27-30, 2006.
Implementation of OGC Web Services with MapServer
- Presentation given by Karl Benedict at the Summer ESIP Federation Workshop. Palisades, NY. July 2006.
Developing Web-based Mapping Services for Public Health Applications
- Presentation given by Amy Budge at the ISPRS Commission IV Mid-Term Symposium. Goa, India. September 29, 2006.
Applications of Soil Component Proxy to Dust Model Validation
- Presentation given by Patrick Shaw at The University of Arizona Graduate Seminar. Tucson, AZ. March 29, 2007.
Dust Modeling and Its Applications to the Border Region
- Poster presented by Patrick Shaw and Brian Barbaris at the Southwest Consortium for Environemntal Research and Policy (SCERP) Annual Meeting. Tucson, AZ. December 12-13, 2006.
Adding GIS and Earth Observations to Syndromic Surveillance
- Presentation given by Stan Morain at the International Society for Disease Surveillance Conference. Baltimore, MD. October 20, 2006.
Application and Assimilation of SRTM Data for High Resolution Dust Modeling
- Master Thesis Defense presented by Gary Sanchez, University of New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM. May 25, 2006.
Particulate Measurements and Predictions Into Public Health Decision Systems Using Satellites and Weather Models
- Presentation give by William Sprigg at the American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. May 24, 2006.
Predicting Particle Pollution
- Presentation given by William Sprigg at the Pima County Environmental Quality Advisory Council. Tucson, AZ. May 17, 2006.