Project Year 4 (Apr 2007-Mar 2008)
Up one levelThis folder contains public presentations given by project team members during the fourth project year (Apr 2007 - Mar 2008).
Respiratory Health Applications Using New Satellite Air Quality Sensors
- Presentation given by Stan Morain at the SCANEX Conference. Moscow, Russia. December 2007.
PHAiRS Project Overview
- Presentation given by Stan Morain and Amy Budge at the Stakeholder Training Workshop. Albuquerque, NM. November 2007.
Overview of PHAiRS
- Presentation given by Stan Morain and Amy Budge at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Jackson, MS. March 5, 2008.
NASA Public Health / Air Quality Workshop
- Presentation given by Stan Morain, Bill Sprigg, and Amy Budge at the NASA Public Health Air Quality Workshop. Potomac, MD. May 8-9, 2007.
Human Health Societal Benefit Area: Using Earth Observations Data to Improve a Dust Forecast Model and Enhance Public Health Decision Support Systems
- Presentation prepared by Amy Budge for WG VIII/2. August 2007.
From Routine to Extreme: Flexible Services Oriented Architectures for Rapid Public Health Information Delivery
- Presentation given by Karl Benedict at the annual Research Association of Medical and Biological Organizations (RAMBO) meeting. Sevilleta LTER Site, NM. May 30-31, 2007.
Airborne Dust Simulations and Forecasts
- Presentation given by Bill Sprigg and Dazhong Yin at the Pima County Association of Governments Forum. Tucson, AZ. June 22, 2007.
Human Health Societal Benefit Area
- Poster prepared by Amy Budge for the 2008 New Mexico State Legislative Session. Santa Fe, NM. January 2008.
The ESIP Federation's Long Experience in the Development and Deployment of Web Services
- Poster presented by Karl Benedict at the NOAA Climate Prediction Application Science Workshop. Chapel Hill, NC. March 4-7, 2008.
Public Health Applications in Remote Sensing
- Poster prepared by Amy Budge for the 32nd ISRSE Symposium. San Jose, Costa Rica. June 2007.
Architecture and Functionality of the PHAiRS Public Health Applications in Remote Sensing Web Services
- Presentation by Bill Hudspeth, Karl Benedict, and Amy Budge at the 32nd ISRSE Symposium. San Jose, Costa Rica. June 2007.